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Posted 8/12/23
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Elevating Space Operations: NZO Cloud’s System Chosen by Space Force on Pitch Day
U.S. Space Force is ramping up! As part of this massive effort to create a fifth branch of the Department of Defense, Space Force is seeking innovative ideas to solve new problems — enter “Space Force Pitch Days”. Pitch Days connect those government agencies that need rapidly deployed technologies around Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IOT), High Performance Computing (HPC) and Big Data with companies that are nimble enough to deliver complete solutions on time and on budget. Government agencies are granted the authority to award on the spot contracts, which significantly reduces the procurement process and expedites the time to delivery.
Earlier this year, NZO Cloud took part in a Pitch Day hosted by the 45th Space Wing at Patrick Air Force Base in Cocoa Beach, Florida. The company is ideally suited to meet the government’s stated technology goals having delivered nine PowerServe Uniti Instances to the 45th Space Wing for Range Safety Analysis. These instances are used in both classified and unclassified environments at the 45th Space Wing. “We knew our long and successful history at the 45th would make our Space Force Pitch a strong contender,” begins Alex Lesser, NZO Cloud Vice President. “Over the past decade NZO Cloud has ensured the safety of government and civilians during any missile launch not only at the Eastern Range but across the United States.”
The company is ideally suited to deliver on NZO Cloud HPC and big data platforms for various government agencies and various sectors, from defense to public health. In conjunction with a close IT solutions partner, we worked to anticipate the technology needs of our government and created proposal that focused on a weather data ingestion and display platform that was built on our hardware with SAS software, a business intelligence, statistics, and analytics software stack. Among several hundred submissions, ours was just one in six that would be given the chance to pitch at the U.S. Space Force Pitch Day.
NZO Cloud chose to partner with two other prominent organizations to offer Space Force a solution around Weather Data Ingestion. The stated goal is to deliver a single dashboard to help operators monitor and anticipate launch conditions. This would be accomplished through the use of high-performance computing instances, artificial intelligence and graphical tools to simplify interpreting the data. Space Force awarded the contract to deliver the solution immediately stating that NZO Cloud’s record of successful deployments to the 45th Space Wing played a big role in the decision. Mr. Lesser explains the significance of the award, “We recognize that this award is an opportunity to show the newest branch of the DOD that NZO Cloud is a partner they can rely on to solve really complex problems with very, very limited risk.”
The platform is expected to be delivered within the next few weeks depending upon base regulations due to Covid-19 protocols. Once deployed, the 45th Space Wing will better understand and act to benefit the mission and public safety.
About NZO Cloud
For technology powered visionaries with a passion for challenging the status quo, NZO Cloud is the answer for hand-crafted HPC and Big Data computing solutions that deliver relentless performance with the absolute lowest total cost of ownership. We are true innovators offering high performance computing solutions to solve the world’s most demanding problems. For 25+ years, organizations of all sizes and from a variety of sectors rely on NZO Cloud’s computing instances. We are proud to support many departments within the United States government, Fortune 500 companies, as well as small and medium-sized businesses.
All products are designed and built at the company’s headquarters in Lake Forest, California.