The Challenge
NEEDING A MAJOR UPGRADE TO MEET DEMANDFor Andrew Witzig, the president of ShearwaterTechnology, solving impossibly complexmultiphysics problems is what he does best. Buthe didn’t need a supercomputer to tell him thatthe math behind his small engineering firm wasno longer adding up. Andrew was in a tough spot: He was having to pass on jobs because the modeling andsimulations required were just too demanding forhis current setup. And when he did take on that work, he had to enlist a cloud HPC service to get the job done, and that never came cheap. It was time for an upgrade that could take Shearwater Technology to the next level. But, being an expert in this field, Andrew knew that he couldn’t do this alone. He needed a partner that would walk with him every step of the way. What Andrew needed was a turnkey, high performance computing solution that could hit the ground running on day one. A system powerful enough to meet the rising demand of hisclients for years to come. And a partner who could provide ongoing support through the yearsto come. Andrew needed NZO Cloud.
The Solution
When Andrew called NZO Cloud, it was immediately evident he had found the answer to his problems. They took the time to listen to his specific needs and crafted a custom private cloud and HPC instance based on the latest Intel Xeon Scalable series processors, specifically tailored to his requirements.
With a 57-step testing and integration process, the hardware, software, and networking powering this new instance was guaranteed to seamlessly integrate with Andrew’s programs.But it wasn’t until NZO Cloud arrived that Andrew was really impressed.